Category: Celebrity Chefs

Julia Child’s Birthday


My love of food and cooking started at an early age. I can trace the roots back to when I was in the playpen in the family room and my mom was working on her art or in the kitchen (but not cooking). PBS was on and there was “The French Chef,” Julia Child, with her French cooking techniques and that voice, telling me over and over how to boil, blanch, and sauté. I absorbed how to boil a chicken and truss it up, or debone it. How to make Coq au Vin, and other succulent and decadent French dishes like Crepe Suzette. It would take half a lifetime to climb my way into a Classic French Restaurant as a line cook, but the love was there at age three and four. read more

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One minute with Chef Aaron Sanchez

When I saw the announcement buried in a very small part of a newspaper that Aaron Sanchez would be doing a cooking demonstration in Paradise Valley, I wasn’t going to miss the chance to watch a television Chef present and cook. I want to know how the professionals do it. I want to know if I’m doing it right. I wanted to be next to that guy. I live to bask in culinary greatness, and I’ve been next to some bright stars who you will never see on television, but this was a big opportunity to see a celebrity chef in person.

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Books by Chef Johnna

  • Delectable Vegan Soups -------------------------------------------------------
  • Things Vegans Fry: Crunchy Comfort Food for Vegans

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