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Delectable Vegan Soups:
Kitchen Shaman’s favorite Soups
Enjoy these delightful soups, hand-picked by Chef Johnna from their favorite recipes. Visually appetizing and luxuriously flavorful, these soups are also healthy, vegan, and gluten-free — but you don’t have to tell your family the last part.
Inside you’ll start with a basic vegetable stock and then find vegan variations on soup staples like Tomato, Chili, and Three Bean. If your appetite tends to more glamorous dishes you’ll also find recipes for Fava Bean Cassoulet, Watermelon Gazpacho, and Carrot Beet Soup with Caramelized Fennel and Ginger. There is a guide for identifying and finding more exotic ingredients and simple explanations of classic cooking techniques so that making restaurant-style soups is a breeze.
Each recipe includes a full ingredient list, step-by-step instructions and a photo of the finished soup.
Enjoy these recipes whether its warm or cold out! You have the Chef’s guarantee.