Tag: National Peach Month

Sweet, Sweet Peaches

millions of peachesPeaches are a favorite food of Americans. There is peach pie, peach cobbler, sweet peach tea, peach turnovers, peach compote, and peaches & cream pie.

Ever stop to think how this wonder fruit got to the shores of America? Peaches were long believed to be from Persia. The name for peaches around the world reflects this origin. Dig around a little deeper into the history of peaches and we find that peaches actually originated in Northwest China – at least according to scientific testing that backs up millennia-old Chinese folktales. read more

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August Food Observances

Looking towards August, there are several food observance days approaching that you may want to, well, observe. July is nearly over and it was National Ice Cream Month, but did you know that there is a National Root Beer Float Day? That’s right, August 6th. And if you don’t eat conventional ice cream don’t worry. I’m sure if you go to the grocery store, they’ll have a soy or coconut based ice cream to plop into your root beer. As a kid I could never get enough of these cool summertime treats.

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Books by Chef Johnna

  • Delectable Vegan Soups -------------------------------------------------------
  • Things Vegans Fry: Crunchy Comfort Food for Vegans

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