Questions and Answers about Vegans and Vegetarians
1) How do you get nutrients in a vegan/vegetarian diet?
2) Why don’t vegans eat honey?
3) Isn’t being vegan just like being a vegetarian?
These are the tops questions that come up in discussions about vegan cuisine. It is getting almost as old as the top three questions about being a lesbian (people don’t ask me these questions any more, we are a little more educated as a population).
1) How do you get nutrients in a vegan/vegetarian diet?
Nutrients are easy. Eat legumes, lentils, beans, split peas, dahl, fava beans. All these foods have high amounts of protein. Eat vegetables. Vegetables have loads of minerals that your body needs to function. Folic acid, potassium, calcium, manganese, and some I can’t quite pronounce. Eating a solid stream of plant matter keeps the body balanced and healthy. Fruits and nuts also help the body. Nuts have loads of protein and other minerals and vitamins. Fruit is loaded with Vitamin C, sugars, and fiber that the system needs to keep going. Some people say fruit has bad sugars. Not true. The body can process these sugars easier than the sugar produced by corn.