Swiss chardSome days are just meant for great culinary adventures. Today I started out at the Market. I spotted fresh Fava beans (which I am still trying to figure out), and thought, what would go good with these? There was good looking swiss chard. I like sexy food, and swiss chard is one of my favorites. I grabbed some staples, and what was on my list, then spotted the Hawaiian Papayas. Expensive, but I love these papayas. They are smaller then their cousins the Mexican papaya, and typically sweeter. I figured I was just going to eat it. Uh-uh.

I got home with the bounty and faced the task of what to cook. I knew I was starting with beans, black, dried fava for Fava Bean Cassoulet, and chickpeas (for Garlicky Hummus and Chana Masala). While those were cooking, I realized that I had jicama and apple. Hmmm. I made the Summer Citrus Coleslaw, and then faced the jicama, papaya, and apple again.

My Chef’s mind took a whirl. Sometimes you have to be brave and bold in cooking, otherwise the food at home gets boring, and they start eating out. With a little chili powder and fresh ginger, the Jicama salad took a wild and flavor-filled turn. I’m satisfied.

During this spree, I was also cooking quinoa. One of my favorite protein packed foods. I thought maybe a cold salad, but no, I already have two of those. I wanted to make it a hot entree for this evening’s dinner.

I sauteed off peppers, onions, jalapenos, and carrots. I added that to the quinoa. In went black beans, some crushed coriander, and toasted ground cumin. Better stop there I thought. I don’t like very complicated flavors. Bold, yes, tasty, yes, but too much and the rest of the food gets muddled. I added a splash of lemon juice.

I looked in the bowl. What haven’t I ever done with quinoa before? Because I have to keep my recipes at home gluten-free, I added some besan flour (chickpea flour, it goes by other names as well). That made the sticky mess glue together. I made a little cake, heated up a saute pan, added some safflower oil, and seared it. Brilliant I thought, what next? The Ginger-Lime Jicama slaw went right on top of the little cake, with a  little cilantro garnish.

Oh my goodness. If I could share this with you, I would. It was incredible, the Quinoa Cake flavors with the slaw created a burst of delight in my mouth.
(She’s going to be so delighted with dinner tonight).

What about those fresh fava beans and swiss chard? After seeing all the food I created today, I’ll have to wait until later to make that for dinner. Maybe tomorrow night, and while the beans and chard are still fresh.

Purple beans Green tomatoes